The Sneaker Legal Trademark Initiative offers free trademark application services to two BIPOC or woman-owned brands. The application period runs from April 10 to April 20, 2024, and winners receive complimentary legal services for one trademark clearance search and application filing, with only the USPTO fee to be paid. Trademarks are crucial for brand longevity and generational wealth, and this initiative aims to provide access to those who might not afford it otherwise, shaping a more inclusive future.

The Trademark Initiative is a program by Sneaker Legal that offers free trademark application services to a selected brand or creative. The application period will open on April 10, 2024, at 12:01 am and close at 11:59 PM EST on April 20, 2024. To be considered for this opportunity, please complete and submit all required information in the application form below. Eligibility requires that the applicant identifies as BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) or as a woman-owned brand.

Two total winners will be selected. One BIPOC and one woman-owned brand. Each winner will receive complimentary legal services, including one trademark clearance search and the filing of one trademark application in one class of goods/services for their brand. The only expense will be the United States Patent & Trademark Office(USPTO) trademark application fee of $250-$350 USD – significantly lower than the typical cost for filing a trademark application with a law firm, resulting in savings of $2,000-$4,000 for you or your brand!

Why Apply?
Trademarks are crucial for brands and can serve as a cornerstone for generational wealth. Unlike other forms of intellectual property, trademarks can endure indefinitely(as long as they're actively used), creating a lasting legacy. We aim to empower brands by providing education and the gift of a trademark application to those who may currently face barriers. Seize this opportunity to secure your brand's future and join us in fostering a world where everyone has the opportunity to thrive.

If you have any questions about the Trademark Initiative, please reach out to us via email at Thank you!

*Sneaker Legal is offering free services specifically to women-owned or BIPOC owned businesses.  We are committed to Promoting Diversity and Inclusion: By offering free trademark services to women-owned or BIPOC owned businesses, we actively promote diversity and inclusion within the business and legal community. This contributes to a more equitable and representative marketplace.
Addressing Systemic Barriers: Historically, women-owned and BIPOC owned businesses have faced systemic barriers and inequities that hinder their access to legal services and intellectual property protection. Providing free services helps to address these disparities and level the playing field.
Supporting Economic Empowerment: Supporting women-owned and BIPOC owned businesses through free trademark services can contribute to their economic empowerment. Trademarks are essential for brand recognition and business success, and offering these services can help these businesses thrive.
Fostering Entrepreneurship and Innovation: By supporting women-owned and BIPOC owned businesses, we contribute to fostering entrepreneurship and innovation within these communities. Trademarks protect intellectual property, which is critical for fostering creativity and business growth.
Creating a Positive Impact: Ultimately, offering free services is about making a positive impact and contributing to a more just and inclusive society. It reflects a commitment to using your skills and resources to empower those who may face unique challenges in the business world.


1) Full Name
2) Your Brand Name
3) Email Address
4) Is your brand woman-owned?
5) Do you or your brand identify as BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color)?
6) What is the trademark you would like to apply for? Please describe and list only one.
7) Have you used the trademark above in commerce already? If so, please list the date.
8) How did you come up with the trademark?
9) Do you know of anyone else using the same or a similar mark?
10) Have you or the brand you mentioned above applied for any trademarks or patents previously?
11) Why do you believe we should choose you or your brand? Please include mission and vision statement if applicable.
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